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The Soca Boys

Follow The Leader [1998]

The Soca Boys is a Dutch dance act, which had a worldwide hit in 1998 with the song Follow the Leader. In addition to a number 1 hit in the Netherlands, the song reached the charts in the European countries, the United States and South America.

George Benson

Love Ballad [1978]

George Benson is a jazz guitarist born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA on 22 March 1943. He started out playing straight-ahead instrumental jazz with organist Jack McDuff. Benson got his first experience playing with his several-year stint with McDuff's group. In 1964, at the age of 21, Benson recorded his first album as leader, The New Boss Guitar, with Brother Jack McDuff on organ.

Benson's next recording was It's Uptown with the George Benson Quartet with Lonnie Smith on organ and Ronnie Cuber on baritone sax.

Manfred Mann

Semi-Detached, Suburban Mr. James [1966]

Manfred Mann was a British beat, rhythm and blues and pop band (with a strong jazz foundation) of the 1960s, named after their South African keyboardist, Manfred Mann, who later led the successful 1970s group Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Manfred Mann were chart regulars in the 1960s, and the first south-of-England-based group to top the US Billboard Hot 100 during the 'British invasion' of the US music scene.

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